With Photos you are preserving an important part of your family history. Your family will continue on the memory for the next generation with photos. If left un-restored a negative or print could end up un-restorable and future generations won’t have that vital visual link to their past.

We will get you a digital copy for preservation. We can also repair colour, folds and creases etc. on your digital copy. We will print a second for you to send a copy to a relative as a gift and a keep safe. We can also send your image is digital format.

Photo Restoration
Photo Restoration

We ensure will all photos:

* We do not alter your original photos, only a digital version
* Get a free print with any restoration or photo to digital
* You can get restorations made from negatives or photos, colour or black and white

How Can We Help ?

We can doing the following work to your photos:

Exposure and colour correction.
We can add frames and other borders to your photos.
Image cropping. Removal of unwanted objects or people.
Adding people (joining two pictures).
Adding text to your images.

Correct colour:

lighten overly dark photos
intensify and saturate the colours of the lawn house and landscaping
Make virtual repairs to certain features
hide flaws, dirt or other small, detracting blemishes
Create a sunny day for a cloudy day photo.
perform virtual paint touch-ups and remove any unwanted background items.
Damaged areas in photos such as scratches, spots stains or missing/ torn areas, cracks etc.

Photo resize including enlarging a picture:

Using the latest image enlarging/enhancement software, we can increase the pixels (size) of the image.

Portfolio Retouching:

Model/actor portfolio restoration. All aspects of beauty including glamour, figure & facial commercials, magazine covers, photographer’s portfolios.

Facial work:

Enhance and smooth skin, Retouch blemishes, scars and other imperfections, makeup enhancements (eyes, lashes, eyes shadow, lip colour enhanced & wrinkles smoothed).
Reshaping, slimming, virtual weight reduction, naturalize skin tones, skin smoothing and clothing creases fixed.

Black & white conversion:

Professional shading and toning: With advanced dodging, burning and toning skills (which include converting to black and white, sepia, duo tone and many more shades), we can transform a photo into a masterpiece.


We understand that it is not only models and actors who want to have portfolio quality pictures of themselves
Scars and other imperfections
Even skin tone
Perform glossy magazine type airbrushing
Remove wrinkles
Naturalize skin tones
Remove red eye and brighten eyes
Correct colour, lighten overly dark photos and enhance contrast
Convert colour to black and white
Remove background distractions
Teeth whitening and repair
Adding colour to black and white (selective colour)
Photo repair (restore torn, damaged or faded photographs).
Removing, adding or changing the background

Still need help or want to order!

If you have a question or require any more information please feel FREE to contact us by clicking here. or call into our shop and we will be happy to help!